Walk to Neptune

Walk to Neptune album cover by kevinjdrieberg

Walk to Neptune

Walk to Neptune album cover by kevinjdrieberg

Listen to ‘Walk to Neptune’ on:
SpotifyApple Music / YouTube Music / SoundCloud

Rap Escapes Earth

Prepare for liftoff with “Walk to Neptune” – a genre-bending album that fuses rap with the vast expanse of space. This isn’t your average rap record – it’s a lyrical odyssey fueled by intergalactic beats and epic rhymes that chronicle a journey beyond Earth’s atmosphere.

Get ready to explore the cosmos with infectious grooves and thought-provoking lyrics that might just spark an interdimensional lesson. “Walk to Neptune” is more than just space travel – it’s a unique sonic adventure that will have you rapping along and pondering the universe’s mysteries.

Listen to ‘Walk to Neptune’ on:
SpotifyApple Music / YouTube Music / SoundCloud